


1. Targeted supplementation of multi-vitamins, a variety of essential amino acids,  trace  elements and 
    electrolytes  to various animal and aqua, due to deficiency and stress caused by mouldy feed, vaccaine 
    or  bad management  and the consequent poor performance, slow growth , depressed immunity and 
    lower FCR;
2. Significantly improve the production performance, improve anti-stress and disease resistance, reduce 
    the loss caused by epidemic disease and nutrition deficiency;
3. Promote intestinal health, improve metabolism, promote the immune efficiency with balance nutrition
    and functional oligosaccharide;
4. Promote  antioxidant enzymes,  effectively remove free radicals,  and improve immunity and stress 
    resistance. Improve body condition;
5. Water-soluble confirms rapid and effective biological efficiency to anti stress and disease;

Mixing with feed by 1 kg / ton of complete feed; 
Administrating 200-500 g / 1000 liters water,  for 3-5 days. 
For pellet feed & aquaculture  using, to spray on the surface of pellet feed after water dissolving;
During stress and the recovery of disease, the dosage can be increased by 2-3 times;