


Prevent vitamins nutrition deficiency, enhance physical fitness.
Improve the survival ability in harsh environment. 
Reduce mortality  and  immunity,  inhibition, enhance immunity.
Enhance feed consumption,  promote detoxification function.
Accelerate growth, shorten the breeding term. Early marketing.

Vitamins are necessary to maintain the normal physiological function of 
       aquatic animals, and  improving disease resistance. 
Deficiency leads to the reduceing of the activity of some enzymes, cause  
       metabolic  disorders and diseases, significantly reduce the survival rate.
At least 12 essential vitamins are necessary to maintain  metabolic function, 
       immunity and  growth , more even for anti-stress and reducing mortality.

Shrimp & Crab:5kg- 6kg per ton of feed;
Fish:3kg-5kg per ton of feed;
Pond Splashing:administering in water,  1.3 kg/acre,2-3 times/week
Before and after the high incidence and stress period, please increase the dosage by 1-2 times more, 
splashing pond or mixing with feed.
Can effectively  reduce the mortality , soft shell and disease.