


?  Protect the liver, reduce flower liver disease, white liver and liver hepatomegaly;
?  Promote fat digestion and absorption, improve appetite, weight gain, reduce the 
      incidence of fatty liver;
? Promote the discharge of liver toxicity, reduce the accumulation effect of 
     microbial algal toxins, mycotoxins, heavy metals and other toxins in water;
? Reduce intestinal infection, and prevent the spread of intestinal bacterial and viral 
? Ammonia nitrogen increase toxicity to aqua, easy to cause multiple liver diseases 
     and impressed imminity, need to strengthen the liver function;
? Improve FCR, enhance the absorption of fat ,protein and vitaminA, D,E in aqua ;
? During the stress and transportation period, enhance the tolerance of aqua, 
     significantly improve the survival rate, and reduce the stress loss;
? Stabilize and reduce the ammonia nitrogen level, keep optimum waters for aqua;

Mixing with feed: 1-2kg with one ton of complete feed, for 5-7 days constantly;
Increase the dosage during shell change and stress period;
Hepatogenic phase: 2-3kg / ton of feed.
Hepato-pancreatic disease, white stool: 
3-5kg / ton of complete feed, using for 5-7 days;
Shell-change period: 
2-3kg / ton of full price, for 5-7 days;
Pond splashing: 900-1200 gm for per acre of waters.