



Promote the shell hardening, promote growth, shorten the shell interval;

Prevent and reduce mortality, slow growth and increased death caused by stress;

Improve the aquatic environment, reduce the outbreak of aquatic negative effect factors and stress factors;

Promote the establishment and stability of algae, microecological cycle, improve water quality;

Increase feed intake, improve the efficiency of feed conversion, reduce water pollution and eutrophication;

Significantly improve the immune performance and aquatic animal stress resistance, enhance aquatic vitality;


INDICATION                                                                                                                                      Using for shrimp,crab and shellfish, to supplement and balance minerals nutrition, improve the quality of water and prevent algae degrading, aid to recovery from the weak of shell change,improve immunity and the solidity of  shell and reduce mortality.                                                                                        

USAGE AND DOSAGE                                                                                                                        To improve immunity and growth of aqua by administering 4-8 gm of Core Plus per kg of feed for routine using. During shell change,that should be done to increas dosage to 7-10gm in per kg of feed for 3-5 consecutive days to minimize stress and mortality.  Spinkle 1kg of Core Plus dessolved in water on 0.8-1 acre of pool ahead begainning of quaculture, shell change and algae degrading.


Minerals utiltiy to aquaculture