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To use vitamin C on poultry for better profit

     In poultry production and clinical practice, vitamin C supplementation is of great significance. Although birds can synthesize vitamin C in the liver, kidney and sac, less deficiency occurs. However, the production practice shows that vitamin C supplement can increase the production of eggs, increase the strength of the eggshell, increase the production of rooster semen, enhance the immune function, improve the ability to resist infection, and enhance the disease resistance.
      Therefore, in poultry production should still be added vitamin C, especially in stress conditions (such as weather changes, cold, high temperature, transportation, etc.), infection diseases, parasites or malnutrition, and diet energy, protein, vitamin E, selenium and iron deficiency, the need for vitamin C is greater than its normal body tissue synthesis, more need to add vitamin C at this time.
Vitamin C deficiency easily leads to decreased stress resistance and induce various diseases. In production practice, giving a prophylactic amount of vitamin C can reduce the adverse effects of stress status in chickens.
     chicks can hardly synthesize vitamin C, and chicks within 2 weeks need more VC supplementation, especially under stress conditions. The study found that the chick added appropriate Vc, the chick growth evenly, reduce the occurrence of stiff chicken, improve the survival rate.
      VC can obviously promote the absorption of calcium and deposition in the eggshell, thus improving the hardness of the eggshell, reduce the damage of deformed eggs, thin eggs and eggshell. Studies have shown that vitamin C can improve the absorption of intestinal calcium by 50~100%.
      Vitamin C has anti-infection ability, supplement vitamin C in autumn and winter, can reduce the incidence of cold. For chicken cold treatment if add large doses of vitamin C, E can effectively protect ovarian follicles, fallopian tube mucosal epithelium and the body tissue cells from pathological state under the oxidation of free radical damage in the body, reduce the emergence of follicle liquefaction, for treatment and later egg recovery can have a perfect effect.

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