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How to use Multi-vitamins in winter on animal

In winter, the environmental climate temperature fluctuations, feed and drinking water temperature have a certain impact on the normal breeding management, stress, livestock and poultry are prone to vitamin deficiency. Vitamin is the organic compound necessary to maintain the normal physiological function of livestock and poultry body. When lacking, the growth and development of livestock and poultry is blocked, productivity is reduced, and disease even occurs.
Vitamin A: Vitamin A can maintain the health and normal physiological function of the mucosal and epithelial tissues of various organ systems, and maintain the normal vision and reproductive function. Vitamin A deficiency can cause A series of weakened mucosal epithelial tissue resistance diseases and pregnancy diseases, such as reduced production, reproductive system diseases, abortion, stillbirth, etc.
Vitamin D: the main function of vitamin D is to adjust the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, metabolism and bone growth and development, vitamin D deficiency can cause egg problems, breeding delay, feeding decline, young animal rickets and cartilage disease, decreased immunity, death rate increases, need additional supplement, can obviously to prevent postpartum disease.
Vitamin E: The main role of vitamin E is the removal of biological antioxidants and free radicals, which can improve the immune response of cells and body fluids. Vitamin E deficiency is characterized by muscular dystrophy, and the long-term storage of feed makes the content of vitamin E decrease with the extension of storage time.
Water-soluble vitamin B group: mainly including thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, biotin, niacin, vitamin B12, choline, etc., all play a certain role in physiological metabolism.

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