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Plant Essential Oil and Coccidiosis

Plant Essential Oil and Coccidiosis

     An outbreak of coccidiosis in a poultry flock has a very high negative and economical impact on the flock as well as for the poultry producer. There is an immediate and considerable drop in production figures and the recovery and reestablishment period after treatment is slow. Some flocks never fully recover or regain their full production potential. Hence, it is a well-recognised fact that treatment alone cannot prevent the economical losses. It is well-established within the poultry sector that the only choice is therefore prevention of the disease. However, an effective and sustainable prevention and control programme against the disease is not easy.

     Coccidiosis is particularly difficult to combat because several different species of Eimeria exist in the field. Poultry may become infected with different species because the immunity that develops after infection is specific only to one species. Eimeria has a very complex life cycle that involves many developmental stages within the host cells. Each Eimeria type is able to infect only one host species and they each attack different segments of the intestine in their host.

   The disease carries losses for the producer in the form of mortalities, reduced market value of the affected birds and sometimes culling or delayed slaughter time. Another predisposing factor is the confined host-rearing conditions, which lead to an increase in the numbers of oocysts, which are ingested by poultry via the litter. These lead to destruction of the integrity of the intestinal mucosae and interfere with nutrient absorption, ultimately causing diarrhoea, which in turn causes high medication costs. Ultimately, all these setbacks lead to huge losses for the producer.

    We have the very solution, plant essential oil--Ore-Pro, not only as a replacement for coccidiostats and antibiotic growth promoters, but which can also provide many other benefits that bring a better productivity and animal health.

     Ore-Pro is a natural feed additive used in husbandary animal production. It improves performance and weightgain of poultry and pig production and reduce mortality and loss leaded by diseasein and disorder of intestine. Its active components effectively can restrain pathogenic bacteria, which include both gram positive and gram negative bacteria upon contact within the gut of the animals.

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